Irreverant rebels caught in the jaws of a neverending war.
When my writing partner and I set out on this project, the goal was to construct a way for people to play Beam Saber as a street gang. Typically this RPG is designed to put the player in the body of a soldier strapped into a government-owned war machine. We sought to bring a different perspective, focusing on the people outside the official structures that are waging the war, yet trapped in it still. As part of that it was my job to lead the visual design, giving us a gritty but irreverant aesthetic that combined the feel of scrappy street crew from our favorite video games with a wartorn cyberpunk future.


- predict everything
- beat them to the punch
- see through them

- ride the edge
- define reality
- anchor yourself

- turn the tables
- protect the streets
- pet your robot dog

- meet the people
- save the day
- move on

- break it!
- fix it!
- invent new ways to do both

- predict everything
- beat them to the punch
- see through them

- ride the edge
- define reality
- anchor yourself

- turn the tables
- protect the streets
- pet your robot dog

- meet the people
- save the day
- move on

- break it!
- fix it!
- invent new ways to do both
Everything begins with inspiration.

I started the quest by collecting references from the best gaming magazines the 90's had to offer. Shortly after it was off to the races with laying out the supplement's pages.

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